So You've Been Dumped - The Longest Running Breakup Site has Started Over

The So You've Been Dumped website is now 2020. SYBD is officially 20 years old. 

The website is back in its rightful place - on

The site was rebooted for its anniversary and as such is a brand new site, blog, forum (the Exchange) and updated logo too.

We started over from scratch - like many of our site members.

Each week we'll be re-posting only the very best blogs, breakup lines and stories from the past two decades. 

It's been a slow and challenging process, it's the right time to codify all that we've learned in the past twenty years into one really good support place.

So if you're family and friends (and even your dog) are sick of hearing about your breakup or divorce then feel free to visit So You've Been Dumped. We'll listen and be there for you - 24/7.